Monday, February 27, 2012

Article Voices

How to Beat the Claw

This article is really funny and written in a way that makes me feel as though I am going up against the dreaded claw machine trying to get that iPod nano and the author of this article is standing right next to me walking me through these steps. He is my second pair of eyes surveying the side while i view the front angle. The author, Mike Smith, also throws some sense of humor into the article at the very end when he states, when all else fails, use your little brother or sister to climb into the machine and hand out the prizes. This made me chuckle because I could just picture a really little kid climbing into the machine. The author did also state that the little boy from Australia who did do this, was not hurt, but not to try it at home. It was just listed as a joke suggestion. Throughout the article, you could get a feel of the authors personality just by little phrases that he would use. I would definitely read another article from this author again!

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