April 14, 2012
POTTERMORE BECAME OPEN TO THE PUBLIC!!!!!!!! This has been the an almost 1 year process. It opened up July 31, 2011 (Harry Potter's birthday) for a beta trial for 1 million fans. It was scheduled to open up to the rest of the world in October. However, the beta trials were not going over so well and the creators of Pottermore had to push back the public access date. April 14, 2012 was that day!!!!!!
April 15, 2012 I signed up for my Pottermore account. I am waiting for the confirmation email. I plan on receiving it sometime tomorrow because of the excessive amount of fans trying to get in. As I play the game, I will blog about it. I am very excited to find out what house I will be placed in. I have a couple friends that had a Pottermore account during the beta run and they told me about the sorting hat process and how awesome and amazing it is....... well we will just have to see! :-D
Danielle's blog :-)
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Research question from the outsiders view
What makes Harry Potter so appealing to multi generations?
1) Why is HP so appealing?
2) What is your favorite scene in each book?
3) what is the most memorable scene in each book?
4) What would you say makes you a true HP fan?
5) What is your opinion of the movies?
6) If you could take something out of the series and bring in to the real world, what would it be?
7) Who is your favorite character?
8) have you ever seen a muggle quidditch game?
9) if so, what was your favorite part?
10) why do you think muggle quidditch has had such a great impact at universities around the world?
11) what makes you relate to the HP series? in other words, what is it about the series that grasped you and made you keep reading?
1) Why is HP so appealing?
2) What is your favorite scene in each book?
3) what is the most memorable scene in each book?
4) What would you say makes you a true HP fan?
5) What is your opinion of the movies?
6) If you could take something out of the series and bring in to the real world, what would it be?
7) Who is your favorite character?

9) if so, what was your favorite part?
10) why do you think muggle quidditch has had such a great impact at universities around the world?
11) what makes you relate to the HP series? in other words, what is it about the series that grasped you and made you keep reading?
Monday, April 2, 2012
Informal Quidditch
On Sunday, I went to the Quidditch match that Belmont hosted against MTSU. There were just a few people there but many people would stop by and watch. The teams were very nice and very competitive. They reminded me of the teams from Harry Potter. What really stood out to me was when someone would ask the team about the game. The team members really took pride in their sport. They took the time to explain it to the interested party. When I asked them to explain it the game to me, it reminded me of the scene in the book when Ron and Hermione explained Quidditch to Harry. They were very thorough and excited. They explained that everyone has to have a broom and when they are on the field, they must be riding the broom. If they fall off the broom, then they must run back to their side of the field and touch the goal posts. The snitch they had to get creative with... It is a neutral person dressed in all gold or yellow that has a yellow tube sock with a tennis ball in it stuffed 4-6 inches down his pants and runs around the campus.... They have free reign over the campus and can go anywhere.... even climbing the side of the Mansion..... The seekers then "fly" around on their brooms and try to catch the snitch.
I stayed next to the field to video tape it while the snitch and seekers did their own thing around campus. there was some great competition on the field as bludgers were being thrown and quaffles scoring points. There were epic tackles and evasive maneuvers to dodge them. Just as the game was getting heated, here came a seeker. He was from the Belmont team and he had fallen off of his broom and needed to come back to the field to tag the goal posts and also get some water. After a little rest, he was back out searching for the snitch. And the game was on again.
Belmont was scoring like no other against MTSU. Within 20 minutes, the score was 130 Belmont, 20 MTSU. Then in the distance, we see something yellow running between the buildings and heading to the field. It is the snitch. It had reached the 20 minute time limit and so the snitch had to come back to the field and finish the game within the confines of the quidditch field. Right in front of me, the Belmont Seeker and the snitch had some interaction. The Seeker pulled the sock from the snitch's back and the game was won.
Well....... not really. It was an illegal grab. The Seeker had grabbed the Snitch to assist in the sock grab. Because of this, the game had to be reset. The Snitch was given free range of the Quidditch field again and the Seekers were up and after him. The rest of the game continued and Belmont scored another 10 points. Then the final play of the game.... the Belmont Seeker got close to the Snitch and the Snitch whipped out a can of whipped cream and sprayed the Seeker with it. You can tell that the players love this game and bring fun quirky little attributes into the game to make it even funner. Then out of no where, the Belmont Seeker dives and grabs the sock as the Snitch is trying to turn and run away. He rolls on the ground and rises holding the "snitch" high and proud as the whole Belmont community around cheers very loudly!
Belmont had won the game!
I stayed next to the field to video tape it while the snitch and seekers did their own thing around campus. there was some great competition on the field as bludgers were being thrown and quaffles scoring points. There were epic tackles and evasive maneuvers to dodge them. Just as the game was getting heated, here came a seeker. He was from the Belmont team and he had fallen off of his broom and needed to come back to the field to tag the goal posts and also get some water. After a little rest, he was back out searching for the snitch. And the game was on again.
Belmont was scoring like no other against MTSU. Within 20 minutes, the score was 130 Belmont, 20 MTSU. Then in the distance, we see something yellow running between the buildings and heading to the field. It is the snitch. It had reached the 20 minute time limit and so the snitch had to come back to the field and finish the game within the confines of the quidditch field. Right in front of me, the Belmont Seeker and the snitch had some interaction. The Seeker pulled the sock from the snitch's back and the game was won.
Well....... not really. It was an illegal grab. The Seeker had grabbed the Snitch to assist in the sock grab. Because of this, the game had to be reset. The Snitch was given free range of the Quidditch field again and the Seekers were up and after him. The rest of the game continued and Belmont scored another 10 points. Then the final play of the game.... the Belmont Seeker got close to the Snitch and the Snitch whipped out a can of whipped cream and sprayed the Seeker with it. You can tell that the players love this game and bring fun quirky little attributes into the game to make it even funner. Then out of no where, the Belmont Seeker dives and grabs the sock as the Snitch is trying to turn and run away. He rolls on the ground and rises holding the "snitch" high and proud as the whole Belmont community around cheers very loudly!
Belmont had won the game!
Sunday, March 25, 2012
HP Quidditch
Since Harry Potter made its first appearance in 1997, it has started a craze among its fans. Harry Potter fans have found ways to bring the magic world into the real world. Many people both young and old have grown up pretending to be witches and wizards, waving wands around and wearing pointed hats. This is only the beginning of the fan craze. In the past couple years; universities have started a Quidditch team. It has now spread world-wide and now there is a World Cup competition. Universal Studios has jumped on the Harry Potter train and created a Harry Potter world. They opened up a new studio that lets people transform their fantasies about the Harry Potter magical world into reality.
According to ARMiller’s Harry Potter Glossary, the definition of Quidditch is broomstick soccer; seven players on each team: three Chasers, two Beaters, a Keeper, a Seeker; four balls: a Quaffle, two Bludgers, a Snitch; and six tall goal posts. “The Chasers throw the Quaffle to each other and try and get it through one of the hoops to score a goal. The Keeper flies around the hoops to stop the other team from scoring. The Bludgers rocket around, trying to knock players off their brooms. That’s why you have two Beaters on each team. It’s their job to protect their side from the Bludgers and try and knock them toward the other team. The Golden Snitch is the most important ball of the lot. It’s very hard to catch because it’s so fast and difficult to see. It’s the Seeker’s job to catch it. The Seekers have to weave in and out of the Chasers, Beaters, Bludgers, and Quaffle to get it before the other team’s Seeker, because whichever Seeker catches the Snitch wins his team an extra hundred and fifty points, so they nearly always win. They game of Quidditch only ends when the Snitch is caught.”
Everyone in the wizarding world knows of Quidditch. That is, everyone except Harry Potter. He was thrown into the wizarding world after being invisible the thirteen years of his life. After entering the wizard world, Harry soon began to learn to fly. On his first lesson, Harry exhibited significant Seeker qualities. He became the youngest Quidditch player at Hogwarts in a century. It is because of Harry that the Gryffindor House team finally beat the Slytherin House team who had gone undefeated for MANY years.
Throughout the book series, there are many scenes with Quidditch matches. The movies portray the matches like they really can happen in real life. Because of the combination of these sources, HP fans began imagining themselves playing this game. That is where Middlebury College in Middlebury, Vermont first began Muggle Quidditch. It is an adaptation of the fiction Quidditch.
The equipment in Muggle Quidditch varies depending on venue. Three circular goals are placed on either side of the field. The goals are often hula hoops held up by PVC pipe. All players are required to carry a broom between their legs at all times. Slightly deflated volleyballs usually act as the Quaffle, and dodgeballs serve as the Bludgers. While the Snitch is simply a tennis ball contained in a sock tucked in the waistband of the Snitch runner. The Snitch runner is a neutral player affiliated with neither, team dressed in all gold or yellow, sometimes adorned with wings. After release, the Snitch runner is allowed to roam an area beyond the playing field. When played on a college campus, the range is often the entire campus. The seekers search of the runner around campus; if they failed to catch him, he returns to the field after a specified time. Unlike fictional Quidditch, the capture of the Snitch is worth only 60 points, making it possible to win without being the team that catches the Snitch. Also, the game ends after a specified time, whether the Snitch has been captured or not.
(next couple paragraphs I will write about the Belmont Quidditch match that is happening April 1, 2012. I cannot write about it yet since it hasn't happened. I will take field notes and video it for my video presentation.)
Monday, March 12, 2012
Harry Potter Glossery
The Characters Including Ghosts, Elves, and Goblins
- Amycus, a lumpy Death Eater (Y6P598)
- Bagman, Ludo (Ludovic), Head of Magical Games and Sport, Quidditch player for England (Y4P61)
- Bane, a Centaur (Y1P252)
- Binns, Cuthbert, History of Magic Professor is a ghost and bores his students (Y1P133)
- Black, Sirius (Padfoot), the prisoner of Azkaban, transforms into a black dog
- Bloody Baron, Slytherin ghost, covered in silver bloodstains, only one who can control Peeves (Y1P129)
- Bones, Amelia, head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement (Y5P123)
- Bryce, Frank, Riddle House gardener and caretaker (Y4P2)
- Chang, Cho, pretty Ravenclaw student Harry likes, Quidditch Seeker
- Crabbe, Vincent, one of Malfoy's large, slow-witted, thuggish cronies
- Crouch, Barty (Bartemius), Head of Department of International Magical Cooperation, speaks over 200 languages (Y4P89)
- Crouch, Barty Jr., a Death Eater put in Azkaban by father, but escaped
- Delacour, Fleur, beautiful, silver-haired part Veela with large, deep blue eyes, Beauxbatons Academy Triwizard champion (Y4P269)
- Diggory, Cedric, Quidditch captain and seeker for Hufflepuff, Hogwarts Triwizard champion (Y4P270)
- Dobby (DAH-bee), Malfoy's house elf, large, bat-like ears, bulging green tennis-balled-shaped eyes, pencil-shaped nose (Y2P12)
- Dumbledore, Aberforth, Brother of Albus, barman at Hog's Head in Hogsmeade (Y4P454)
- Dumbledore, Albus, Headmaster of Hogwarts, wise and kind, has a long silver beard, a long crooked nose, half-moon spectacles (Y4P21)
- Dursley, Vernon, Petunia, and Dudley, Harry's uncle, aunt, cousin
- Figg, Mrs. Arabella, took care of Harry for Dudleys, likes cats (Y1P22, Y4P80)
- Filch, Argus, caretaker, a Squib (Y1P132)
- Finnigan, Seamus (SHAY-mus), rooms with Harry
- Firenze, a Centaur who taught Divination (Y5P598)
- Flamel, Nicolas, made Sorcerers Stone (Y1P215)
- Fletcher, Mundungus (Dung), guaring Harry at Privet Drive (Y5P20)
- Flitwick, Filius, tiny professor of charms, stands on books to see over desk (Y1P133)
- Friends at Hogwarts: Potter, Black, Pettigrew, and Lupin were classmates (Y3P354)
- Fudge, Cornelius, Minister of Magic, likes Harry, friends with Dumbledore
- Gaunt, Merope, a witch and Voldemort's mother (Y9P212)
- Gaunt, Marvolo, Voldemort's grandfather (Y9P212)
- Goyle, Gregory, one of Malfoy's large, slow-witted, thuggish cronies
- Granger, Hermione (her-MY-on-nee), Harry's best friend and one of the smartest students, bushy brown hair (Y4P54)
- Grawp, A giant, Hargrid's half brother (Y5P691)
- Greyback, Fenrir, savage werewolf (Y6P334)
- Grindelwald, Gellert, Dark wizard expelled from Durmstrang, defeated by Dumbledore, a onetime friend (Y1P103, Y7P20)
- Griphook, goblin at Gringotts Bank (Y1P73)
- Grubbly-Plank, Professor Wilhelmina, temporary Care of Magical Creatures teacher (Y4P435)
- Hagrid, Rubeus (roo-BAY-us), kind, giant groundskeeper
- Hooch, Madam, Quidditch instructor
- Jorkins, Bertha, Ministry of Magic's witch (Y4P89), disapeared in Albania (Y4P333)
- Karkaroff, Professor Igor, Headmaster of Durmstrang Institute (Y4P247)
- Kreacher, elf at Black's house (Y5P76)
- Krum, Viktor, Bulgarian Triwizard champion from Durmstrang, duck-footed and round-shouldered Seeker (Y4P115)
- Lestrange, Bellatrix (Black), Death Eater, cousin of Sirius, wife of Lucius Malfoy (Y5P113)
- Lockhart, Gilderoy, vain author and inept professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts (Y2P97)
- Longbottom, Frank and wife, Neville's parents, were Aurors tortured and made insane by Death Eaters, now at St. Mungo's Hospital (Y4P602)
- Longbottom, Neville (NEV-ill), clumsy and forgetful, rooms with Harry, raised by grandmother (Y1P144)
- Lovegood, Luna, has enormous, protuberant, slightly mad eyes (Y5P185, P568)
- Lovegood, Xenophilius, Luna's father, publishes The Quibbler (Y7P139)
- Lupin, Prof Remus (Mooney), kind and clever, see Friends at Hogwarts (P3P74, P354)
- Malfoy, Draco, a bully in Harry's classes, pale with a pointed face and white-blond hair (Y4P100)
- Malfoy, Lucius, Draco's father and one-time Hogwarts governor
- Maxime, Madame Olympe, giant headmistress of Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, handsome, olive-skinned face, large, black eyes (Y4P243)
- McGonagall, Prof Minerva, Deputy headmistress and head of Gryffindor House, an Animagus, a cat (Y1P9)
- Mimsy-Porpington, Sir Nicholas is Nearly-Headless Nick
- Moaning Myrtle, a ghost and former student who haunts girl's toilet and likes Harry (Y2P132)
- Moody, Mad-Eye Alastor, an Auror, with electric-blue swiveling eye that can see through solids, clawed wooden foot (Y4P184)
- Nearly-Headless Nick, Gryffindor resident ghost, is Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington (Y1P132)
- Patil, Padma, Ravenclaw student Ron took to the Yule Ball, twin sister of Parvati (Y4P412)
- Patil, Parvati, pretty Gryffindor student Harry took to the Yule Ball (Y4P401)
- Peeves, a poltergeist that likes to play tricks (Y1P129)
- Pettigrew, Peter (Wormtail), an Animagus (Y3P348)
- Peverell, Ignotus, Harry's ancestor from whom he got the Cloak of Invisibility (Y7P714)
- Pince, Madame, the librarian (Y2P163)
- Pomfrey, Madam Poppy, the school nurse
- Potter, Harry, famous Hogwarts student with black hair, green eyes, and a lightening bolt scar on his forehead
- Potter, James (Prongs), Harry's father, see Friends at Hogwarts (Y3P412)
- Potter, Lily, n�e Evans, Harry's mother, Petunia Dursley's sister (Y5P647)
- Prince, Eileen, Snape's mother (Y6P637)
- Quirrell, Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, wears turban (Y1P288)
- Riddle, Tom, father of Tom Marvolo (Y4P646)
- Riddle, Tom Marvolo, former Hogwarts student (Y2P314)
- Roommates, Harry, Ron, Seamus, Dean, and Neville share a room in Gryffindor house (Y4P408)
- Rosmerta, Madam, publican of the Three Broomsticks in Hogsmeade (Y3P200)
- Scrimgeour, Rufus, Minister of Magic (Y6P16)
- Shacklebolt, Kingsley, an Auror who works at the Ministry of Magic (Y5P49)
- Skeeter, Rita, unethical, nosy Daily Prophet reporter, an Animagus (Y4P303)
- Slughorn, Horace, (Y6P57)
- Snape, Severus (sev-EAR-us), strict potions professor and head of Slytherin House
- Sprout, Pomona, Professor of Herbology, head of Hufflepuff House, dumpy little witch (Y1P133)
- Thomas, Dean, rooms with Harry
- Tonks, Nymphadora, prefers to be known by her surname only, a Metamorphmagus (Y5P49)
- Trelawney, Sybill, eccentric divination professor (fortune teller) (Y4P199)
- Umbridge, Dolores Jane, not much taller standing than sitting, says 'Hem, hem' a lot, Senior Undersecretary to the Minister, Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher (Y5P139)
- Voldemort, Lord (VOLE-de-more), You-Know-Who, powerful, evil wizard
- Weasley, Arthur, Ministry of Magic, fascinated by muggle objects (Y2P30)
- Weasley children, Bill, Charley, Percy, Fred, George, Ron, and Ginny are all redheads
- Weasley, Fred and George, funny, clever, mischievous twins, want to open a joke shop someday
- Weasley, Ginny, youngest in family, likes Harry
- Weasley, Molly, Ron's mother, short, plump, very kind face, treats Harry like a son (Y2P30)
- Weasley, Ron, Harry's roommate and best friend, flaming red hair and freckles
- Winky, Barty Crouch's house-elf (Y4P98)
- Wood, Oliver, Gryffindor Quidditch captain
- Yaxley, a Death Eater (Y7P1)
- Animagus (an-i-MAGE-us) can transform into an animal (McGonagall, Black, and Pettigrew)
- Auror (oh-ROAR) brings the Death Eaters to Azkaban
- Beater, Quidditch player protects team from Bludgers, tries to knock them into opponents
- Boggart, takes shape of whatever we most fear, repelled by laughter (Y3P133)
- Centaurs Ronan, Bane, Firenze are star gazers
- Chaser, Quidditch player scores 10 points by throwing Quaffle through hoops
- Death Eater, supporter of Lord Voldemort (Y4P142)
- Dementor, dark, hooded figure that feeds on human souls, guards Azkaban (Y3P187)
- Ghost, dead person who can see, hear, talk, cry, walk through walls, and move things
- Gnome, small, leathery looking, with a large knobby, bald head, eats roots of plants and makes little heaps of earth (Y2P36)
- Inferi, (singular: Inferius), a reanimated corpse controlled by a Dark wizard (Y6P62)
- Keeper, Quidditch player guards the hoops
- Merman, Mermaid, part person, part fish, grayish skin, long, wild, dark green hair, yellow eyes, broken teeth, silver tail, carries spear, lives in lake by Hogwarts (Y4P497)
- Metamorphmagus, can change appearance at will (Y5P52)
- Mudblood, insulting name for wizard born of Muggle parents
- Muggle, non-magical person
- Seeker, Quidditch player tries to catch Snitch for 150 points
- Squib, non-magical person from a wizard family (Y2P145)
- Troll, viscous, stupid creature, 12 feet tall, with small bald head (Y1P174)
- Veela, beautiful Slavic nymphs, moon-bright skin, white-gold hair, bewitch men who hear them (Y4P103)
- Aragog, giant spider in Forbidden Forest raised by Hagrid (Y2P276)
- Blast-Ended Skrewt, looks like a cross between a giant scorpion and elongated crab, has a sting, a blasting end and a sucker. (Y4P294)
- Basilisk, large, poisonous serpent with a deadly stare, born from a chicken's egg, hatched beneath a toad, subdued by crowing rooster (Y2P290)
- Buckbeak, Hagrid's pet Hippogriff (Y3P115)
- Crookshanks, Hermione's large ginger cat who can sense evil (Y3P60)
- Errol, Weasley family owl, old and weak (Y2P30)
- Fang, Hagrid's black boarhound
- Fawkes, Dumbledore's swan-size, scarlet-and-gold phoenix has pearly healing tears (Y2P206, P315, Y4P698)
- Fluffy, Hagrid's vicious, three-headed dog, soothed by music (Y1P160)
- Grim, death omen, very big, with wide, gleaming eyes (Y1P33)
- Grindylow, green water demon with sharp little horns, pointed fangs (Y3P153, Y4P495)
- Hedwig, Harry's snowy owl, gift from Hagrid (Y1P81)
- Hippogriff, large creature, half bird, half horse, bow before approaching (Y3P114)
- Mrs. Norris, Filch's skeletal, gray cat (Y1P132)
- Nagini, large snake provides venom to sustain Voldemort (Y4P7)
- Niffler, fluffy and black with long snout, digs in earth for treasure (Y4P542)
- Pigwidgeon (Pig), Ron's owl (Y4P56)
- Scabbers, Ron's rat (Y3P58)
- Thestral, great, black, winged horses with a dragonish face, neck, and skeletal body. They pull the carriages taking students from the train to Hogwarts castle (Y5P198)
- Unicorn, beautiful, magical creature, horn and tail hair used in Potions, silver blood can sustain life at terrible price (Y1P250, 258, Y4P484)
- Apparate, transport from one place to another (Y4P66)
- Avada Kedavra, unforgivable killing curse, sounds like Abra Kadabra (Y4P215)
- Azkaban, island prison guarded by Dementors (Y3P188)
- Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, France (Y4P123)
- Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans include toast, coconut, strawberry, curry, grass, coffee, sardine, liver, and earwax (Y1P103)
- Bezoar, a stone from a goat's stomach which counters most poisons (Y6P377)
- Bludger, jet-black Quidditch ball that tries to knock players off their brooms, Beaters give protection
- Boggart, shape-shifter that appears in the form of what you are imagining
- The Burrow, Weasley family home, many rooms, large garden, village of Ottery St. Catchpole (Y2P32, Y3P70)
- Butterbeer, a tasty, foaming, hot drink served in Hogsmeade (Y3P158), also in bottles
- Chamber of Secrets, Salazar Slytherin's sealed room to be opened by his true heir (Y2P150)
- Chocolate Frogs, include cards of famous witches and wizards (Y1P102)
- Common Room, a safe, comfortable, circular room for meeting and study, one for each house (Y1P130)
- Cruciatus, unforgivable curse causes intense pain (Y4P214)
- Daily Prophet, wizard newspaper
- Dark Mark, skull and serpent symbol burned into Death Eaters by Voldemort, appears in the sky to summon them (Y4P129)
- The Deathly Hallows, three objects which if united conquer death: the Elder Wand, Resurrection Stone, and Invisibility Cloak. (Y7P429)
- Dervish and Banges, equipment and instrument shop in Hogsmeade (Y3P76)
- Diagon Alley, a cobbled street with wizard shops and pubs, enter through Leaky Cauldron (Y1P71)
- Durmstrang Institute of Sorcery, wizard academy in Europe (Y4P165)
- Eeylops Owl Emporium, in Diagon Alley (Y1P81)
- Effing, a polite way of using the F-word (Y5P32, Y7P222)
- Fat Lady, portrait guards the entrance to Gryffindor Tower, wants password (Y1P129)
- Felix Felicis, a potion that makes you lucky.(Y6P187)
- Firebolt, Harry's second broomstick (Y3P51, P223)
- Floo (flue) powder used for flying through fireplaces (Y2P47)
- Florean Fortescue�s Ice Cream Parlor in Diagon Alley (Y3P50)
- Flourish and Blotts, a bookshop in Diagon Alley (Y1P80)
- Forbidden Forest, deep, dark forest that surrounds Hogwarts, full of dangerous beasts (Y1P127)
- Galleon, gold coin, equals 17 sickles (Y1P75)
- Gillyweed when eaten grows webbed hands and feet and gills that allow breathing under water, looks like slimy, grayish-green rat tails (Y4P493)
- Gobbledegook, language spoken by Goblins (Y4P89, Y7P296)
- Godric's Hollow, location of James Potter's family home, and also Godric Gryffindor. Harry's parents were killed there (Y1P12)
- Great Hall, gathering place for meals and festivities, bewitched ceiling shows sky outside
- Grimmauld Place, Number twelve, London home of the Black family given to Harry by Sirius (Y5P59)
- Gringotts, wizard bank in Diagon Alley, run by goblins (Y1P72)
- Gryffindor (GRIFF-in-der) House, flag is gold lion on red field, brave hearts live here including Harry
- Hogs Head, pub in Hogsmeade (Y5P330)
- Hogsmeade, magical village near Hogwarts (Y1P15)
- Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for students 11 to 17, huge, rambling, scary-looking castle, with towers and battlements
- Hogwarts History (Y4P176)
- Hogwarts Express, scarlet steam engine leaves from platform 9-3/4 at King's Cross Station, London (Y1P92)
- Honeydukes, Hogsmeade candy store (Y3P77, P197)
- Horcrux, a receptacle in which a person has hidden a part of his soul. (Y6P497)
- Houses are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Slytherin
- Howler, loud, scolding message brought by owl (Y2P87)
- Hufflepuff House, flag is black badger on yellow field, hard workers, patient and loyal live here
- Imperius, unforgivable curse gives total control of another (Y3P33)
- Knight Bus, magical emergency transportation, just stick out your wand hand (Y3P33)
- Knut (NUT), bronze coin, 29 to a sickle (Y1P62)
- Leaky Cauldron, pub and boarding house and entrance to Diagon Alley (Y3P41)
- Leprechaun Gold vanishes in a few hours (Y4P544)
- Madam Malkin�s, in Diagon Alley has Hogwarts uniforms (Y1P76)
- Magical Menagerie, pet shop in Diagon Alley (Y1P58)
- Marauder's Map shows secret passageways at Hogwarts and identifies everyone (Y3P192, P351)
- Mimbulus mimbletonia, a small grey cactus, a remedy for shyness, anxiety, and forgetfulness, sprays Stinksap when poked (Y5P186)
- Mirror of Erised (AIR-e-sed) shows heart's desire (Erised = desire spelled backward, as a reflection) (Y1P207)
- Money, bronze knutes, silver sickels, gold galleons
- Monster Book of Monsters, bites and scuttles away, stroke the spine to tame it (Y3P112)
- N.E.W.T., Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Test, for highest Hogwarts qualification (Y3P314)
- Nimbus 2000, Harry's first broomstick (Y1P164)
- Ollivanders, wand shop in Diagon Alley since 382 BC (Y1P82)
- Omnioculars, binoculars featuring instant replay and slow-motion (Y4P93)
- Order of the Phoenix, a secret society Dumbledore founded with about 20 members (Y5P67)
- O.W.L., Ordinary Wizarding Levels examinations at yearend (Y2P46)
- Owlery, cold, drafty, circular stone room, top of West Tower has hundreds of owls (Y4P229)
- Parseltongue, how a Parselmouth talks to snakes (Y2P195)
- Patronus conjured with incantation "expecto patronum" can provide protection from Dementors (Y3P237)
- Pensieve, a stone basin that holds memories that can be explored by someone in a third person viewpoint (Y4P583)
- Polyjuice Potion, transforms you into someone else (Y2P159)
- Portkey, ordinary object used for traveling, you just need to touch it (Y4P70)
- Quaffle, bright-red, soccer-size Quidditch ball, Chasers throw through hoops to score 10 points (Y1P167)
- Quibbler, alternate newspaper edited by Luna Lovegood's father (Y5P193)
- Quidditch, broomstick soccer; seven players on each team: three Chasers, two Beaters, a Keeper, a Seeker; four balls: a Quaffle, two Bludgers, a Snitch; and six tall goal posts (Y1P167, Y3P143)
- Ravenclaw House, flag is bronze eagle on blue field, house of witty and eager learners
- Remembrall, marble-sized glass ball glows scarlet if you forget something (Y1P145)
- Riddle House, in Little Hangleton, 200 miles from Hogwarts, where Tom Marvolo's father and grandparents lived (Y4P15)
- Room of Requirement, is a room that a person can only enter when they have real need of it. (Y5P386, Y6P452)
- Shrieking Shack, Hogsmeade haunted house (Y3P279)
- Sickle, silver coin, equals 29 knutes (Y1P75)
- Skele-Gro, drink for regrowing bones (Y2P174)
- Slytherin House, flag is silver serpent on green field, cunning and sly students live here
- Sneakoscope lights up and spins if an untrustworthy person is near (Y3P10)
- Snitch, fast, gold, walnut-sized, silver-winged Quidditch ball, worth 150 points, game ends when caught by Seeker
- Snogging, cuddle and kiss (British informal). (Y6P287)
- Sorting Hat, patched, frayed, and dirty, assigns new students to the four houses with a song (Y1P117)
- Splinching, the separation of random body parts when the mind is insufficiently determined during Apparition. (Y6P385)
- Three Broomsticks, Hogsmeade pub (Y3P200)
- Timeturner necklace for going back in time (Y3P395)
- Unforgivable Curses, Avada Kedavra, Imperius, and Cruciatus are cruel and illegal (Y4P217)
- Whomping Willow, large, violent tree on the edge of the Forbidden Forest (Y2P74)
- WWN, Wizarding Wireless Network (Y4P391)
- Zonko�s, a joke shop in Hogsmeade (Y3P151)
- Year 1: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (1997)
- Year 2: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (1999)
- Year 3: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (1999)
- Year 4: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2000)
- Year 5: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2003)
- Year 6: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2005)
- Year 7: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (2007)
Monday, February 27, 2012
Article Voices
How to Beat the Claw
This article is really funny and written in a way that makes me feel as though I am going up against the dreaded claw machine trying to get that iPod nano and the author of this article is standing right next to me walking me through these steps. He is my second pair of eyes surveying the side while i view the front angle. The author, Mike Smith, also throws some sense of humor into the article at the very end when he states, when all else fails, use your little brother or sister to climb into the machine and hand out the prizes. This made me chuckle because I could just picture a really little kid climbing into the machine. The author did also state that the little boy from Australia who did do this, was not hurt, but not to try it at home. It was just listed as a joke suggestion. Throughout the article, you could get a feel of the authors personality just by little phrases that he would use. I would definitely read another article from this author again!
This article is really funny and written in a way that makes me feel as though I am going up against the dreaded claw machine trying to get that iPod nano and the author of this article is standing right next to me walking me through these steps. He is my second pair of eyes surveying the side while i view the front angle. The author, Mike Smith, also throws some sense of humor into the article at the very end when he states, when all else fails, use your little brother or sister to climb into the machine and hand out the prizes. This made me chuckle because I could just picture a really little kid climbing into the machine. The author did also state that the little boy from Australia who did do this, was not hurt, but not to try it at home. It was just listed as a joke suggestion. Throughout the article, you could get a feel of the authors personality just by little phrases that he would use. I would definitely read another article from this author again!
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