Monday, January 9, 2012

Beverly Hillbillies Discourse

Here in this YouTube video you can clearly see the discourse between societies. The hillbillies are introduced into the more advanced, technological savvy Beverly Hills. Throughout the video, it shows each individual character and their struggle, with how they were raised as hillbillies, as they try to adapt to life in Beverly Hills.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Literacy and culture 1-6-12

What is literacy? Literacy is how people interact with one another. It is understanding communication, both written and read. To be illiterate is to not be able to communicate with people around you. To not be able to write or read the language in the area around you. Literacy is language. Those who are illiterate may be able to communicate with society via oral language, but because they can not write, they seclude themselves from society. It is also part of culture.
Culture is the behavior and beliefs of a society of people. It is how they live and the history of their people. Culture is the back story to every individual. It deals with social, ethnically and age groups. All play a part in one's culture. Culture distinguishes one group of people from another. A good example of this are the native Americans. Although we classify them in one group (Indians) every tribe has a different culture. Some tribes were spread out around nations, but they still had very similar cultures. One way they achieved this was through literacy. They were able to communicate with their brother tribes through written language.